A vertical city
Tower blocks and sky-scrapers are getting bigger and higher all the time; they are invading the planet – yet still proving unprofitable. On average, once security regulations and ground-to-top technical installations are lifted, a 30% loss of floor space has to be allowed for.Developers are having to use their imagination if they want to build high and profitable.
This is the background that has led AIM Hanemian Architects to study the possibility of designing wider high-rise buildings – by a factor of perhaps two or three. It may be possible to design mid-height linking structures, cities in the sky, well above ground level.
Using Matrix Architectural, the most thorough system of assessing claims to build land precisely in the purpose of developing the most suitable design for the site, invented by AIM Hanemian Architectes, the Agency studied the possibility of designing wider high-rise buildings – by a factor of perhaps two to three. It may be possible to design mid-height linking structures, cities in the sky, well above ground level.
The principle made it clear that the claim the administration can make on the present development land site is insufficiently defined: it should be extended well beyond its present limits, going up from 30,000 square meters to 300,000 square meters to be developed.