Matrix architectural
How does an architect best cater to a client when the site is not defined and the nature of the commission is unclear? This is how Jean Hanemian and AIM Hanemian Architects came to create “Matrix Architectural”, the most thorough system of assessing claims to build land precisely for the purpose of developing the most suitable architectural design for the site.
While working on the innovative scheme of Jardins de La Défense in Paris Jean Hanemian studied via Matrix Architectural the possibility of designing wider high-rise buildings – by a factor of perhaps two or three and studied how to design mid-heights linking structures, -cities in the sky-, well above ground level.
Matrix Architectural is a mathematical approach to a site. All the possible configurations of developable land at a given point were considered to be ordinates and all the types of possible building were the abscicass. After applying a graphic brain-storming, it is feasible to design up to a hundred plans for just a site. This approach can produce surprising and very innovative results, perfect examples of serendipity.